Funny Letters From Dogs

A Letter From Bella The Dog

Dear people who read this blog,

Hello darlings, I'm Bella. I'd like to share a word with you. The word is "Pee-mail."

Now, let me drop some doggie knowledge on you. Pee Mail is what we dogs are checking when we stop and sniff the grass while we are on our walks. Just so ya know.

FYI: Pee Mail is now in our  "Dog Dictionary."

Oh!  And you are welcome.

Hugs & Pretty Kisses,

Bella The Dog


A Letter From Andy The Dog

Dear Angry Cat,

Why are you so mad? Did a neighborhood rodent tick you off? Did another cat throw you into the rumor mill? I don't know why you are so upset all the time, but that is really not a good way to be. The way you fly into the air, hiss and frantically growl everytime I see you is unacceptable behavior. Chill out and relax, and realize that the world is not against you. Believe me, everything will be ok.

Ok fine. Maybe if I stopped trying to snatch you off of the curb and shake you around every time I see you, you would be nicer. But that’s not gonna happen.

See you soon. Love, Andy
